SlideShare Presentation

Description With SlideShare, discover and view presentations on topics ranging from technology and business to design and entertainment. Sha...

With SlideShare, discover and view presentations on topics ranging from technology and business to design and entertainment. Share your favorite presentations, or save professional content to read offline or later. SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing presentations and professional business content.
Use the app to:
- Browse and view more than 12 million professional presentations
- Discover content tailored toward your own interests, on topics including Technology, Business, Education, News & Politics, Design, Marketing, Finance and Entertainment
- View presentations from your friends and professional network
- Save presentation slides to read later or offline
- Share content you like with friends and colleagues on SlideShare, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
- View slides in full-screen mode for an awesome presentation experience
Why use SlideShare?
- SlideShare gets 60 million unique visitors a month and has more than 12 million uploads, making it the world’s largest community for sharing presentations and professional content
- Follow companies and organizations like Dell, Ogilvy, the White House, Netflix, NASA and more, who share their expertise and powerpoints on SlideShare
- Learn from industry pros like Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki and more
- Boost your knowledge in any field -- read through slides on how-to guides, trend and data reports, thought-leadership, Q&As, DIY instructions, news reports, visual guides and more
- Or browse through non-professional powerpoints, including cartoons, photo essays, book excerpts, self-improvement and spiritual guides, videos and travel tips
Download the SlideShare app to enjoy presentations on the go!
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What's New
- Localized version in Spanish
- Improved deep linking
- Invite your friends to SlideShare to see more relevant content
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes

SlideShare Presentation App - screenshot thumbnail

SlideShare Presentation App - screenshot thumbnail

SlideShare Presentation App - screenshot thumbnail


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