[Substratum] akZent ? vcatorce [Patched] Apk
welcome to [Substratum] akzent★, a new version of dark material with dark material colors as accents! If you encounter any bugs, contact...

welcome to [Substratum] akzent★, a new version of dark material with dark material colors as accents!
If you encounter any bugs, contact me over hangouts rather than posting bad reviews.I can follow you up there personally :)
If you encounter any bugs, contact me over hangouts rather than posting bad reviews.I can follow you up there personally :)
You can follow me up over here :-
This theme will work only on Marshmallow stock rom for Nexus devices or AOSP roms which support layers e.g. Krexus, MinOS,Pure Nexus,Beltz,Twisted... It won't work on roms with CMTE.
Your device must be rooted and have the new Layers Manager app.
Your device must be rooted and have the new Layers Manager app.
If you don't know what are layers and how to install a layers theme, you should read this: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102261717366580091389/stream/b8a8c545-e143-429c-82bb-e3bd52de0a8a
Don't report bugs if you use some of xposed modules or change default DPI.
Themed Overlays :-
★ AOSP Calculator
★ AOSP Contacts
★ AOSP Dialer
★ AOSP Keyboard
★ AOSP Messaging
★ CellBroadcastReceiver
★ Documents UI
★ Framework
★ Facebook
★ Facebook Messenger
★ Google App
★ Google Calculator
★ Google Chrome
★ Google Chrome Beta
★ Google Chrome Dev
★ Google Contacts
★ Google Dialer
★ Google Hangouts
★ Google Keyboard
★ Google Keep
★ Google Messenger
★ Google Now Launcher
★ Google Package Installer
★ Google PlayMusic
★ Google PlayStore
★ Google PlayServices
★ Google Plus
★ Google Youtube
★ Greenify
★ JuiceSSH
★ Launcher 3
★ Layers Manager
★ NavBar
★ Phone
★ Package Installer
★ Settings
★ Slack
★ Spotify Music
★ StatusBar
★ Substratum
★ SystemUI
★ Viper4Android
★ Whatsapp
★ Xda Labs
★ AOSP Calculator
★ AOSP Contacts
★ AOSP Dialer
★ AOSP Keyboard
★ AOSP Messaging
★ CellBroadcastReceiver
★ Documents UI
★ Framework
★ Facebook Messenger
★ Google App
★ Google Calculator
★ Google Chrome
★ Google Chrome Beta
★ Google Chrome Dev
★ Google Contacts
★ Google Dialer
★ Google Hangouts
★ Google Keyboard
★ Google Keep
★ Google Messenger
★ Google Now Launcher
★ Google Package Installer
★ Google PlayMusic
★ Google PlayStore
★ Google PlayServices
★ Google Plus
★ Google Youtube
★ Greenify
★ JuiceSSH
★ Launcher 3
★ Layers Manager
★ NavBar
★ Phone
★ Package Installer
★ Settings
★ Slack
★ Spotify Music
★ StatusBar
★ Substratum
★ SystemUI
★ Viper4Android
★ Xda Labs
v(catorce versión)
- ADDED Substratum Support
- FIXED License Issue
- Added UI Bugs to Fix Later